May 1, 2009
July 30, 2009

Curated by

  • Group Exhibition

The exhibition “The Man with the Pumpkin Head” presents the works of three artists: Orna Bromberg, Moshe Mirsky and Keren Russo, with the thread connecting the three of them being their work on trauma and memory – the memory of trauma.

For Orna Bromberg, the solidification of a childhood moment repeats itself over and over again serially, using a small group of images, repeated in an infinite number of ways: the girl with the legs of matches, fish, birds of prey and flowers. The choice of a seemingly naive and childish way of painting necessarily involves engaging in content of a nightmarish and frightening nature.
All Paintings, 2008, tempera and gouache on paper.

Selected Works:

Flowers ans birds, 2007

A dancer and a bird, 2007

Two girls and a bird, 2007

A dancer, a flower and fishes, 2007

Two girls, a bird and flowers, 2007

A girl, a clown and birds, 2007

A dancer, a clown, birds and flowers, 2007

A girl and two birds, 2009

2 x A girl and two birds, 2009

2 x A dancer, flower and two birds, 2009